Combination Pantoprazole 40 MG+ Domperidone 30 MG
Action works as a Proton pump inhibitor and Anti Nausea and Anti Vomiting.

Indication Nausea, Vomiting, Peptic Ulcer, GERD, Dyspepsia

Acidity may hamper the activities

The Pantaprazol with Dompraridon in Vegan capsule shell

PanDiaz D
With Tablets in capsule technology

1. Pntaprazol
40 mg tab of pataprazol in capsule (EC)

Preventing the final step in gastric acid production by inhibition of (H+, K+)ATPase enzyme

2. Dompraridon
Available in 2 tablets
10 mg for instant release
20 mg for sustained release

It tone to LES and helps to prevent Nausea and vomiting

Highlight of PanDiaz D is
Its made with completly vegetarian source.

So Rx PanDiaz D uses in
GERD with Erosive Esophagitis, Dyspepsia, Peptic Ulcer, Heartburn, Helicobacter Pylori infection

A vegetarian treatment of hyperacidity


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