Combination Piracetam 500 mg+ Methylcobalamin 500 mcg
Action Piracetam is a chemical that is thought to help cells in the brain and blood vessels function better. During aging in some diseases, the membrane surrounding cells starts to get stiff, and cells with a stiff membrane do not function. Piracetam helps maintain the membrane that surrounds cells to continue functioning well.
Methylcobalamin regenerates the Mylyne sheath for treating VB12 deficiency and improving neurological function.
Indication ADHD, Dyslexia, Breathlessness, Improved memory function, Improved neurological function


Every child has right to participate in every activity

For this use Rx CogniDiaz M

1. Piracetam in CogniDiaz M
Enhances the cognitive behavior in brain

Release the stiffness of brain blood vessels

Maintain the Breath holding spell time

2. Mecobalamin in CogniDiaz M
Protect the nerve from damage by regenerating the Mylyne sheath

So Rx CogniDiaz M uses in indication like

Dyslexia, Low Dementia, Breath Holding Spell, Depression or anxiety

Cognidiaz M, a perfect cognitive enhancer


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